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“Log List” Matthew 7:3-5

“Log List” Matthew 7:3-5

An 8-step guide for identifying possible logs in the eye of one who wants to help someone caught in sin. This helps establish a proper heart attitude before approaching another brother.

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“Log List” Matthew 7:3-5

2 Corinthians 5:9

A graphically-driven handout to accompany biblically-based teaching from 2 Corinthians 5:9. MAYBE DUMP THIS ONE.  IT DOESN’T SEEM SELF EXPLANATORY. OTHERWISE AT LEAST GIVE IT A TITLE?

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“Log List” Matthew 7:3-5

2 Ways to Handle Hurts

A graphically driven handout to accompany biblical teaching on responding when hurt, contrasting possible natural responses with responses that rely on God’s supernatural grace.

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“Log List” Matthew 7:3-5

50 Questions to Ask Your Wife

A list of 50 questions for husbands to ask their wives. These questions will help them grow in understanding of the woman God has given them and how they can love and serve her better.

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“Log List” Matthew 7:3-5

Anger/Heart Journal

A side by side journal for reflection on situations that provoked anger and the heart attitude behind someone’s response.

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“Log List” Matthew 7:3-5

Are You a Fool?

A survey for self-reflection on 19 characteristics of the wise person portrayed in the book of Proverbs contrasted with their negative counterparts. 

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“Log List” Matthew 7:3-5

Biblical Process of Change

A graphic organizer depicting how thoughts and motives drive our feelings and choices resulting in the production of good or bad fruit. This handout is based on Eph 4:22-24 and Col 3:1-17

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“Log List” Matthew 7:3-5

Child Rearing

A short handout describing 7 basic principles of godly parenting. This should be used in conjunction with the Seven Steps of Parenting weekly log. TONS OF TYPOS IN 3-6

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“Log List” Matthew 7:3-5

Christ-Centered or Child Centered?

A handout contrasting characteristics children learn when the home is focused on Christ or when the home is focused on them. This handout is adapted from The Heart of Anger by Lou Priolo.

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“Log List” Matthew 7:3-5

Communication Guidelines

13 guidelines, provided by Timothy Keller, for godly communication, backed up by their scriptural basis, reminding of the various areas that can be worked on for improvement.

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“Log List” Matthew 7:3-5

Communication: Discussion Questions

An outline guide for walking through a plethora of scriptures concerning communication, calling for reflection and journaling on these specific passages.  THIS ONE IS WEIRD IT SEEMS LIKE IT IS NOTES THAT SHOULD GO ALONG WITH JIMS MESSAGE OR SOMETHING. MAYBE DUMP IT? ALSO TYPOS IN POINT IV

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“Log List” Matthew 7:3-5

Conference Table Guidelines

A handout outlining the purpose and procedures for Conference Table discussion. This handout is useful for counselees to review before beginning a discussion during the week.

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“Log List” Matthew 7:3-5

Family Budget

A simple spreadsheet with suggested categories for use in establishing a family budget. Helpful for providing guidance and establishing a wise financial plan.

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“Log List” Matthew 7:3-5

Fear Homework Assignment Samples:

11 possible homework assignments for counselees who struggle with issues of fear, worry, and anxiety. This list includes reading assignments, scripture memory and journaling activities.

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“Log List” Matthew 7:3-5

Identifying Personal ‘Idols’

An in-depth guide for examining personal expectations and desires that, when unmet, can lead to various Idols of the Heart. THIS NEEDS TO BE FIXED.  WHEREVER THERE ARE QUOTES THE LETTER “P” SHOWS UP INSTEAD.

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“Log List” Matthew 7:3-5

Identifying Pride

A suggestive list of how pride can influence people to sin in particular instances. This list culminates in a prayer of repentance for the specific ways one has acted in pride.

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“Log List” Matthew 7:3-5

Idolatry Repentance Plan of Action

A worksheet providing points of reflection for thinking about sinful patterns and setting goals for new behaviors. This follows the biblical model of “putting off” and “putting on.”

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“Log List” Matthew 7:3-5

Is Your Repentance Genuine?

This worksheet highlights the characteristics of worldly sorrow in contrast to godly sorrow. Help the counselee examine his life and seek by God’s help to move from being characterized by the top part of the list (worldly sorrow) to the bottom part of the list (godly sorrow).

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“Log List” Matthew 7:3-5

Journal of Upsets

An adaptable journal for recording when and where events in life provoked a person to become upset or react in a sinful way, calling for reflection and proactive thinking about the event.

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“Log List” Matthew 7:3-5

Manipulation Test

A 20-question quiz for parents to aid them in determining the degree to which their children may be manipulating them. This quiz is adapted from The Heart of Anger by Lou Priolo.

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“Log List” Matthew 7:3-5

Personality Inventory Chart

An extensive assignment for family members to reflect on themselves and one another. Topics include identifying qualities and characteristics, determining patterns of conflict, and understanding communication styles.

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“Log List” Matthew 7:3-5

Problem-Solution Sheet

A worksheet with a 4-step graphic organizer designed to aid counselees in reflecting on a particular problem they face, their current response to it and how to respond biblically.

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“Log List” Matthew 7:3-5

Questions Mentors Ask

A list of 15 questions for use in counseling and discipleship. These questions are helpful for anyone seeking to come alongside someone and help them articulate what is in their heart.

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“Log List” Matthew 7:3-5

Reading Report Form

A one-page reflection sheet that can be used in accompaniment with any reading assignment. This sheet is designed to help counselees engage with and apply the material.

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“Log List” Matthew 7:3-5

Recovery Plan After Failure

An 11-step guide for counselees if failure in fighting a sin occurs. This handout helps one think biblically about the sin and reminds of the grace and forgiveness of God.

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“Log List” Matthew 7:3-5

Respecting Your Husband…

A 12-question quiz for wives to examine whether their actions communicate respect or disrespect to their husbands. Each question includes the biblical basis for self-reflection.

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“Log List” Matthew 7:3-5

Self-Sacrificing Love

A handout detailing 20 aspects of the self-sacrificing love described in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. The negative, positive and extra aspects of such love are detailed in rich description.

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“Log List” Matthew 7:3-5

Seven Steps of Parenting

A weekly log for parents to record their implementation of seven elements of good parenting. Examples include praising the children and being a proper example.

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“Log List” Matthew 7:3-5

Solutions to Fear

A handout of Scripture passages specifically related to eight common fears with suggestions for how to overcome them.

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“Log List” Matthew 7:3-5

Submission… What is it?

A handout describing the characteristics of biblical submission: what it is not and what it is. This is adapted from The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace.

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“Log List” Matthew 7:3-5

The Panic “Fear” Attack

A handout for understanding panic and fear attacks based on 2 Tim 1:7 and 1 John 4:18. It defines panic and fear attacks, offers clues for identifying them and explores common causes.

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“Log List” Matthew 7:3-5

The Sin Test

A compilation of helpful questions for use in probing the heart for places where sin might be harbored. This can be helpful in drawing out and identifying sin.

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“Log List” Matthew 7:3-5

Unfaithfulness Assignment

A handout of reading and reflection assignments for anyone seeking to rebuild their marriage after an affair. This includes specific exercises for both the offending and the offended parties.

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“Log List” Matthew 7:3-5

Worry Homework 

9 possible homework assignments for counselees who struggle with worry. This list includes reading assignments, scripture memory and journaling activities.

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