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Respecting Your Husband…

Respecting Your Husband…

A 12-question quiz for wives to examine whether their actions communicate respect or disrespect to their husbands. Each question includes the biblical basis for self-reflection.

Respecting Your Husband…

Recovery Plan After Failure

An 11-step guide for counselees if failure in fighting a sin occurs. This handout helps one think biblically about the sin and reminds of the grace and forgiveness of God.

Respecting Your Husband…

Problem-Solution Sheet

A worksheet with a 4-step graphic organizer designed to aid counselees in reflecting on a particular problem they face, their current response to it and how to respond biblically.

Respecting Your Husband…

Personality Inventory Chart

An extensive assignment for family members to reflect on themselves and one another. Topics include identifying qualities and characteristics, determining patterns of conflict, and understanding communication styles.

Respecting Your Husband…

Identifying Personal ‘Idols’

An in-depth guide for examining personal expectations and desires that, when unmet, can lead to various Idols of the Heart. THIS NEEDS TO BE FIXED.  WHEREVER THERE ARE QUOTES THE LETTER “P” SHOWS UP INSTEAD.

Respecting Your Husband…

Manipulation Test

A 20-question quiz for parents to aid them in determining the degree to which their children may be manipulating them. This quiz is adapted from The Heart of Anger by Lou Priolo.

Respecting Your Husband…

“Log List” Matthew 7:3-5

An 8-step guide for identifying possible logs in the eye of one who wants to help someone caught in sin. This helps establish a proper heart attitude before approaching another brother.

Respecting Your Husband…

Journal of Upsets

An adaptable journal for recording when and where events in life provoked a person to become upset or react in a sinful way, calling for reflection and proactive thinking about the event.

Respecting Your Husband…

Identifying Pride

A suggestive list of how pride can influence people to sin in particular instances. This list culminates in a prayer of repentance for the specific ways one has acted in pride.

Respecting Your Husband…

The Panic “Fear” Attack

A handout for understanding panic and fear attacks based on 2 Tim 1:7 and 1 John 4:18. It defines panic and fear attacks, offers clues for identifying them and explores common causes.

Respecting Your Husband…

Family Budget

A simple spreadsheet with suggested categories for use in establishing a family budget. Helpful for providing guidance and establishing a wise financial plan.

Respecting Your Husband…

50 Questions to Ask Your Wife

A list of 50 questions for husbands to ask their wives. These questions will help them grow in understanding of the woman God has given them and how they can love and serve her better.

Respecting Your Husband…

Communication: Discussion Questions

An outline guide for walking through a plethora of scriptures concerning communication, calling for reflection and journaling on these specific passages.  THIS ONE IS WEIRD IT SEEMS LIKE IT IS NOTES THAT SHOULD GO ALONG WITH JIMS MESSAGE OR SOMETHING. MAYBE DUMP IT? ALSO TYPOS IN POINT IV

Respecting Your Husband…

Conference Table Guidelines

A handout outlining the purpose and procedures for Conference Table discussion. This handout is useful for counselees to review before beginning a discussion during the week.

Respecting Your Husband…

Biblical Process of Change

A graphic organizer depicting how thoughts and motives drive our feelings and choices resulting in the production of good or bad fruit. This handout is based on Eph 4:22-24 and Col 3:1-17

Respecting Your Husband…

Is Your Repentance Genuine?

This worksheet highlights the characteristics of worldly sorrow in contrast to godly sorrow. Help the counselee examine his life and seek by God’s help to move from being characterized by the top part of the list (worldly sorrow) to the bottom part of the list (godly sorrow).

Respecting Your Husband…

2 Corinthians 5:9

A graphically-driven handout to accompany biblically-based teaching from 2 Corinthians 5:9. MAYBE DUMP THIS ONE.  IT DOESN’T SEEM SELF EXPLANATORY. OTHERWISE AT LEAST GIVE IT A TITLE?

Respecting Your Husband…

Worry Homework 

9 possible homework assignments for counselees who struggle with worry. This list includes reading assignments, scripture memory and journaling activities.

Respecting Your Husband…

Are You a Fool?

A survey for self-reflection on 19 characteristics of the wise person portrayed in the book of Proverbs contrasted with their negative counterparts. 

Respecting Your Husband…

Unfaithfulness Assignment

A handout of reading and reflection assignments for anyone seeking to rebuild their marriage after an affair. This includes specific exercises for both the offending and the offended parties.

Respecting Your Husband…

Child Rearing

A short handout describing 7 basic principles of godly parenting. This should be used in conjunction with the Seven Steps of Parenting weekly log. TONS OF TYPOS IN 3-6

Respecting Your Husband…

2 Ways to Handle Hurts

A graphically driven handout to accompany biblical teaching on responding when hurt, contrasting possible natural responses with responses that rely on God’s supernatural grace.

Respecting Your Husband…

The Necessity of Biblical Counseling

All people face troubles in life. The Bible is a book that is shockingly honest  about these troubles. This session unpacks the reasons why biblical counseling is really the only true answer to walking with people through seasons of serious trouble.

Respecting Your Husband…

Listening and Ministering to Eating Disorders

How do we understand the dynamics of eating disorders and how do we interpret them as caused by both sin and suffering? This session wiil seek to answer these questions from a biblical perspective and discuss how the gospel offers hope and help in the midst of the struggle.

Respecting Your Husband…

Guarding Against Gossip

The sin of gossip is easily overlooked or minimized but affects relationships and is destructive within the church. This workshop will cover the dangers of this particular sin of the tongue and discuss examples the Bible gives as well as the hope it offers.

Respecting Your Husband…

The Necessity of the Church in Counseling

Biblical counseling is necessary for the church and the church is necessary for biblical counseling. This session will define what is meant by “counseling” in the context of the local church and discuss how helping hurting, needy people is at the heart of her calling.

Respecting Your Husband…

Having Biblical Expectations in Counseling

Biblical counseling is really about sanctification and growth in the Christian life. How much transformation can we expect? This session will use the New Testament pattern of the already and the not yet to help frame our expectations in counseling. 

Respecting Your Husband…

The Necessity of the Holy Spirit in Counseling

The work of the Holy Spirit is the only thing that can bring about lasting and God-honoring change. As biblical counselors we are dependent upon the Spirit to work powerfully in the entire counseling situation, both through us and in the lives of our counselees.

Respecting Your Husband…

What is Biblical Counseling? Part 1

Psychology and theology both deal with the fundamental issues of meaning and value. Many modern approaches have unscriptural presuppositions and practices. This workshop introduces biblical counseling and the importance of approaching these issues from a Christian perspective.

Respecting Your Husband…

Helping People Handle Trials

How can we really have joy in the midst of trials? In this workshop we will examine how God uses losses in this life for great gain, and how that enables us to find joy in the midst of our own suffering, and to help others do the same.

Respecting Your Husband…

Depression Case Study

Depression is an extremely common counseling problem but can be one of the most difficult issues to deal with.  This is a case study of a twenty-something girl who is struggling to believe the forgiveness of the gospel and is struggling with debilitating depression.

Respecting Your Husband…

Continuationists, Cessationists, and Counseling

If the Holy Spirit is necessary in our counseling, what exactly is His role? What gifts does He employ? This session will briefly sketch the theological positions and identify how each position impacts our view of the Spirit’s role in counseling and the sufficiency of God’s Word.

Respecting Your Husband…

What is Biblical Counseling? Part 2

How is the biblical counseling approach different from all other Christian approaches? In this session IBCD’s position of biblical counseling (the Bible as the sole and sufficient authority) is outlined and its key concepts explained.

Respecting Your Husband…

Counseling Struggling Adoptive Parents

How can we help adoptive families when the excitement begins to subside and the realities begin to sink in? Despair and isolation are real experiences for many. This session is not only for adoptive parents, but it is also for those who counsel adoptive parents.

Respecting Your Husband…

Equipping Women to Uproot Bitterness

Bitterness can easily take root in the heart when we’ve been hurt or offended or we believe something has happened to us that is unfair or unjust. This message will examine evidences of bitterness, ruling motives, and practical steps to rooting it out for the glory of God.

Respecting Your Husband…

Bringing Freedom to Captives of Pornography

Pornography is pervasive in today’s world. It destroys marriages and leaves users with a warped view of sexuality. Sadly, many Christians are trapped by its power. This workshop will show how the grace of Jesus enables someone to break out of the deceitful web of pornography.

Respecting Your Husband…

Offering Hope and Help to Women who Self-injure

How do you help women who self-injure? This workshop will examine the similarities and distinctions between four very different, self-injuring women and discuss some of the Scriptures and counseling methods which will provide the greatest help for all self-injurers.

Respecting Your Husband…

Putting Your Past In Its Place part 1

How should Christians think about their past? How does your answer affect the way you process life’s challenges? How does it affect the way you counsel? This two-part session will explore what God’s Word says about the importance and potential impact of events from your past.

Respecting Your Husband…

A Life of Trust-Choosing to Accept God’s Plan

Is suffering part of the context of your life? In this look at Psalm 28 you will learn from King David’s example how to live a life of trust. You can accept God’s plan for your life as you come to know his character and chooose to believe his promises.

Respecting Your Husband…

Listening and Ministering to Sexual Issues

There are numerous similarities between a number of different sexual struggles, and the gospel offers hope and help in the midst of each of them. In this workshop we will focus on equipping you to minister to those who struggle in these areas.

Respecting Your Husband…

Complaining: Rewriting the Story God is Writing

Do you find yourself complaining about the past—wishing you could rewrite your story? In this session you will learn that complaining is a very powerful sin that tries to undo what God has done and is doing. Be encouraged! God invites you to embrace the story He is writing.

Respecting Your Husband…

Counseling after a Suicide

Many people have been touched by the tragedy of having a loved one take their own life. This workshop will examine how can we help those left behind deal with the emotions and the questions which come in the aftermath of suicide.

Respecting Your Husband…

Putting Your Past In Its Place part 2

Is your past “one big lump”? Is it possible that some of us have challenges in this area in part because we have not thought as precisely and specifically as God’s Word would direct? This session will attempt to help us identify biblical categories for events from the past.

Respecting Your Husband…

Handling Evangelism Opportunities in Counseling 

One of the great delights in biblical counseling is the opportunity to explain the gospel to someone who has never heard. This session will discuss strategies to move from initial presentation problems to appropriate discussions about personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Respecting Your Husband…

Marry Wisely, Marry Well part 2

How can biblical principles guide you in preparing your heart for marriage and making a wise choice in who to marry? This two-part session is perfect both for those considering a relationship and those who disciple others in relationship choices (parents, pastors, counselors).

Respecting Your Husband…

Marry Wisely, Marry Well part 1

How can biblical principles guide you in preparing your heart for marriage and making a wise choice in who to marry? This two-part session is perfect both for those considering a relationship and those who disciple others in relationship choices (parents, pastors, counselors).

Respecting Your Husband…

Life in the Aftermath: Embracing Weakness

The past for many women includes hard, life-changing experiences. Life in the aftermath can leave them feeling that they are less than they once were. This workshop will explore God’s purposeful and loving use of these experiences to show His power and love.

Respecting Your Husband…

Ministering to Parents of Special Needs Children

Counselors sometimes have the privilege of serving parents who have been blessed with children with special needs. This session will review a seminal passage of Scripture on this subject along with an account from the Viars’ journey with their special needs son Andrew.

Respecting Your Husband…

Counseling and Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual warfare is an ever-present reality for the child of God. A balanced view of spiritual warfare can help both counselors and counselees. This session will examine the truths of spiritual warfare as it applies to the various dimensions of biblical counseling.

Respecting Your Husband…

Forgetting the Past While Pressing On

Are you aware what serial relationships can do to your chances for a permanent relationship? It is even possible to overcome your past trauma? Are feelings never to be trusted? This workshop teaches some vital concepts for enduring relationships.

Respecting Your Husband…

Gospel-Driven Reconciliation

Many people live with unresloved conflict. The process of reconciliation can be challenging and tumultuous. This seminar will examine how the gospel serves as the foundation for reconciliation and empowers those who are struggling to be reconciled to one another.

Respecting Your Husband…

Caring When You Don’t Feel Like Caring

How do we care for others when we just don’t feel like it? This message will discuss the call for Christians to care for others, the challenges that arise in caring for others, and what we shoulld do when our emotions run contrary to this.

Respecting Your Husband…

The Grace and Grit of Adoption Part 1

Often adoption is romanticized and the challenges are minimized, leaving adoptive parents feeling guilty as they struggle with their child. This two-part message will deal with some of its common challenges and help equip counselors to minister to adoptive parents.

Respecting Your Husband…

Caring Because Christ Cares

Christ cares for his people so much that he was made like them in every respect. He did this that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest who can help them in their temptations. We are encouraged to care for others when we see how much Christ cares for them.

Respecting Your Husband…

The Grace and Grit of Adoption Part 2

Often adoption is romanticized and the challenges are minimized, leaving adoptive parents feeling guilty as they struggle with their child. This two-part message will deal with some of its common challenges and help equip counselors to minister to adoptive parents.

Respecting Your Husband…

Does God Care How I Feel?

There is a biblical theology of the emotions which should play a critical role in much counseling. This workshop will address the subject of the emotions in the Christian life and lay the biblical-theological foundation for understanding the emotions.

Respecting Your Husband…

What is Man?

From the beginning we are told that God created man in His own image. What does it mean to be an image bearer of God? This workshop explores the concept of Man as the Image of God and the practical implications for the counseling process.

Respecting Your Husband…

Counseling People with Psychological Disorders

How do you help someone who already has many labels regarding their condition? In our heavily psychologized culture it can be hard to know the accuracy of these diagnoses.  This workshop aims to equip you to work with those who have diagnoses from the psychological community.

Respecting Your Husband…

Helping Women Who Are Married But Lonely

Many married women feel alone and isolated from their spouse. How can we help women who find themselves in this situation? What does the Bible have to say about the intimacy we should have in marriage, and what should we do when we find our expectations are not being met?

Respecting Your Husband…

Caring in Cases of Adultery

Adultery is something that many of us will have to deal with in one way or another in the church. The gospel gives great hope in these difficult situations. The goal of this workshop is to help equip you to bring that hope to those who have felt the pain of a broken covenant.

Respecting Your Husband…

Pursuing Peace by Forgiving Others

Forgiveness can be very hard, particularly when someone has hurt us very much. This session will examine how for Christians, meditating on the way Christ has forgiven them all of their debts can and should empower them to forgive others.

Respecting Your Husband…

Humbly Pursuing Peace

God calls us to peace with others, but in this life it is impossible to completely avoid conflict. This session will examine how to understand conflict from a biblical perspective and practical ways to humbly pursue peace with others when conflict does arise.

Respecting Your Husband…

The God-centeredness of Affirmation

If I praise others won’t it just make them prideful? Is there a way that praising others can actually build them up to become more Christlike? This session gives biblical warrant for God-centered praise of those who are not God.

Respecting Your Husband…

The Divine Design for Marriage

Marriage is a stage designed to show forth the realities of the gospel. This seminar will set forth the biblical vision of marriage and give practical counsel of how we can reorient our hearts and actions so our marriages better reflect the profound realities they illustrate.

Respecting Your Husband…

The Problems of Pain Medicine

Is it okay for Christians to use pain medicine? How much is too much? How do you know if you are addicted? Dr. Charles Hodges, MD. discusses what the Bible has to say about struggling with physical pain and the use of medication to treat it.

Respecting Your Husband…

From Idol to Blessing 1

What does the Bible have to say about sex? Through this two-part message you will learn how the grace of God in the gospel powerfully changes how we view our own sexuality and gives us the power to once again put this blessing in its proper place.

Respecting Your Husband…

Helping People Get Good at Affirmation

It is so much easier to be critical of others than to affirm them. Even when we want to build others up we often find ourselves tearing them down instead.  This session will discuss how to help people grow in their ability to affirm others well.

Respecting Your Husband…

Practical Applications of Affirmation

What are some practical ways that you can begin to apply the principles of God-centered affirmation to your relationships? This session will help you to move beyond good intentions to actually cultivating joyful, healthy relational patterns.

Respecting Your Husband…

Good Mood Bad Mood – Help for Depression

Dr. Charles Hodges, MD., examines the role that hope plays in dealing with depression, the difficulty of finding an accurate diagnosis, the role sadness plays in what is often labeled depression, and how the bipolar and repression diagnoses overlap.

Respecting Your Husband…

General Principles About Money

God’s sufficient word speaks to our financial issues. This session examines some common money myths and lays out a biblical view of wealth as a blessing that can also be very dangerous. This talk calls us to examine our true spiritual condition behind our financial situation.

Respecting Your Husband…

Grace Sex

What does grace have to do with sex? In this workshop, for women only, you will learn how the grace God has given in Christ can and should overflow into a gracious and healthy physical relationship between husband and wife. 

Respecting Your Husband…

The Pain of Porn

Our sex-saturated culture has taken sexuality from a blessing given by God and made it into an idol to be worshipped and distorted. This workshop will examine the rampant destruction left in the path of pornography and the hope the gospel offers to strugglers.

Respecting Your Husband…

Graceless Sex

How can sex be graceless? This workshop, for women only, will explore the sinful attitudes and actions that many women fall in to, that can stifle or even completely kill the physical relationship between husband and wife.

Respecting Your Husband…

From Idol to Blessing Q&A

What does the Bible have to say about sex? Many people have unanswered questions about this aspect of life. In this Question and Answer session you will hear a panel of counselors discussing biblical answers to common questions Christians have about sex.

Respecting Your Husband…

From Idol to Blessing 2

What does the Bible have to say about sex? Through this 2-part message you will learn how the grace of God in the gospel powerfully changes how we view our own sexuality and gives us the power to once again put this blessing in its proper place.

Respecting Your Husband…

Acquire Wealth Wisely

The Bible describes both legitimate and illegitimate ways to gain wealth. This session lays forth a biblical theology of dilligent and skilled work in contrast to the sluggard’s whims. It also puts to rest some common money myths related to gaining money.

Respecting Your Husband…

Spend Money Wisely

Our money is not really ours, we are stewards of what God has given us. This session lays out how a proper view of stewardship helps us honor the Lord in the way we spend money. It also gives practical steps of how to spend wisely by using a budget and controlling expenditures.

Respecting Your Husband…

Get Out of Debt

In our society it is almost taken for granted that we have to borrow for many things. This session lays out a biblical view of debt and how Christians can think through the multifaceted motivations and options with borrowing money in today’s economy.

Respecting Your Husband…

Learning from King David’s Failure

We were shocked last week when we heard that Charles had been caught in a pattern of adultery and deceit and had been removed from office. How could such a thing happen to a man who seemed to have it all together, who had successfully passed through the temptations of his younger years, who seemed to have everything a minister could want? Does this mean that his entire ministry had been a lie? Are the books, articles and tapes he produced worthless? Or did something happen to take a man who had been qualified and used of God and ruin him?



About the Episode Hope + Help LIVE is a periodic segment of the podcast that features live recorded interviews previously streamed on Facebook. In this episode of the Hope + Help Podcast, Christine Chappell interviews biblical counselors Jenn Chen, Shannon McCoy, Fawn...